Create Angular project step by step

  Dear Readers, This tutorial covers :

  1. Preparation of environment
  2. Creation of First angular project
  3. Run the default generated angular project
  4. creation of best architecture of project
  5. call apis with Http
  6. Create services for http call, error handling etc.
  7. Registration and login with JWT toke
  8. decode token and get data from token                                       

I believe the good way to learn anything new is to do more practical instead of theory . So after a short description will go straight for practical.

Lets see what is angular and why to use : Angular is a JavaScript based application design development framework for creating SPA(single page applications). Its a framework means it provides us all the required elements which are needed to develop a SPA. To understand more details kindly follow the .

Preparation of environment : In order to start angular development we need to install some software as below :

  1. Node.js: can be installed latest version from

  2. npm pacakge :  run npm -v in a terminal window :

3. Install vs code : download window version and install in your pc.

4. Angular cli: angular cli creates your angular project , generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment . to install it type below command and hit enter :

npm install -g @angular/cli , this command can be run through vs terminal also . that will see later .After running this command latest angular cli will be installed in your pc , so for any application you no need to install seperately. If you want to install specific version kindly run the command :

npm install -g @angular/cli@versionthatyouwant

So , here we have all the required software to start development.

Lets create our first default angular project using vs code:

  1. open vs code – go to terminal ->new terminal and type below command in your folder location : ng new angular-tutorial (angular-tutorial is my project name) and hit enter . In the below screen shot I have created my project in d drive .

Once I hit enter I can see below option to select , for routing I will enter yes and enter then it asks me to choose stylesheet ,you can choose css/scss . since I am going to use css so I will choose css and press enter.

You can see something like below screen while creating new project :

Once project created go to file->open folder ->browse your newly created project and click on select folder . your project will be opened in vs code workspace.

To run this project : go to terminal->new terminal->type ng serve

If you want to build first then type ng build then ng serve . ng serve will build then run the application. after building you will see below url to browse your app.

Here you are ready to browse your first default angular app . open google chrome /browser and type http://localhost:4200 and you will see your app is running.

Here we have completed our lesson to setup and create first default project . In next lesson we will learn how to change and customize pages .


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